Mecha World
Mecha World is a post-apocalyptic game set in a world where players must scavenge, quest, and build their own mecha animals in order to survive and thrive. These mecha animals, or mechanized creatures, are created using NFTs on the WAX blockchain, giving players the ability to truly own and customize their own unique mecha animals.
In addition to building and customizing their mecha animals, players can also engage in battles with other players' mecha animals, testing the strength and capabilities of their creations. The game's post-apocalyptic setting adds an extra layer of excitement and danger, as players must navigate through a world filled with danger and uncertainty in order to survive.
In addition to the dice battles, Mecha World will also introduce additional PvP modes, such as 1v1 and team battles, allowing players to test their strategic skills and Mechas against others in more complex and dynamic combat situations.
Players can also embark on quests with their Mechas, discovering new locations and battling enemies to earn rewards and experience points. As their Mechas level up, they can unlock new abilities and become even more powerful.
Overall, Mecha World is a unique and exciting NFT game that combines the fun of building and customizing your own Mecha with the thrill of battle and questing in a post-apocalyptic world.
Mecha World is part of the FGL NFT ecosystem, using FGL Tokens.