Dookey Dash
Crafted by Yuga Labs, Dookey Dash is a narrative-driven game that revolves around the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) ecosystem. The game's prologue was released in two phases earlier. In November 2022, the BAYC official Twitter account teased the enigmatic game, incorporating the animated story's worldview and adventurous gameplay from its previous releases. This creation also integrates the BAYC NFTs and the ecosystem's native token, APE. Upon its initial launch, the project garnered widespread attention from numerous players.
Time dialing back, the enigmatic curtain of Dookey Dash gradually unfolded with the unveiling of a seemingly cryptic poster from BAYC’s official Twitter account. In merely a few months since then, Dookey Dash has stirred significant ripples in the NFT market, ushering in a renewed wave of attention for the previously subdued GameFi landscape.