Deadrop, formerly known as "Project Moon," is an upcoming game developed by Midnight Society. It is a Vertical Extraction Shooter (VES) that blends the level design of an arena shooter with the scale of a Battle Royale and the strategic gameplay of an extraction shooter. Players can compete for the best drops or try to extract with their life and gear. The game is being developed transparently by Midnight Society's team of industry veterans and the community. Deadrop is expected to be a AAA game.
In 2020.b, 40 years after the Climate Wars began, population and pollution levels have surged, leading to the construction of massive self-governed city-states called REFINER STATES. These towers extract toxins from the stratosphere and export a concentrated form, known as SPACE DUST, which is highly addictive to the surrounding urban population. The lucrative trade of DUST has led to competing factions of Skins and Syns occupying the REFINER STATES, fighting against the Cleaners who operate the towers in a constant struggle for resources and gear.